• A Ratchet+Wrench-branded slide template is provided for your use, located in the Speaker Toolkit 
• Keep slide content clean and easy to read from a minimum distance of 75 ft, use at least 28-pt. Arial (or similar) font
• Limit each slide to no more than six lines per slide and not more than 6-8 words per line
• It is recommended you limit your slides to 5 or 6 including the opening and closing template slide
• Replace words with images when possible
• Trade or Company name should appear on the title page & contact information page ONLY
• If acronyms are used, provide explanation
• Author information, including contact information, should appear on the last slide of your presentation

• Arrive early to check the equipment. Start on time and end on time
• Have a strong opening and closing
• Use audiovisuals to reinforce ideas and to accommodate different learning speeds and language barriers
• Refer to case studies, research, and other facts to validate information
• Summarize at the end of the presentation and close with a memorable idea that leaves the attendee with a positive impression
NOTE: Speakers/panelists who represent suppliers should avoid commercial announcements
• Remember your flash drive with speaker notes and a copy of your presentation.
• Pick up your speaker badge from the Registration Desk.  
• Visit the conference room prior to your session and meet the audio/visual technician
• Provide your session chair with a question or two you would like to be asked following your presentation

Please keep your presentation within the allocated time. If you are unable to conclude your presentation before the time expires, a tactful conclusion is to tell your audience that you will be available after the session to continue. Session chairs have the right to cut short any presentations which run over by an unacceptable degree.

The conference room will be equipped with the following audiovisual equipment:
• LCD projector
• Screen (screen ratio is 16:9)
• Wireless microphone
• A computer loaded with Microsoft Office Suite including PowerPoint
• Slide advancer with laser pointer